Hawking Radiation

The evaporation of the collapsing star can be equivalently described as a negative energy flux of radiation travelling radially inwards towards the center of the star. Here, we are interested in the evolution of the star during its collapse.

We find that Hawking radiation emitted just before the star passes through its Schwarzschild radius slows down the collapse of the star and substantially reduces its mass thus the star bounces before reaching the horizon.

Electromagnetic Storm

In superconducting quantum computing one typically uses Josephson junctions (superconducting tunnel junctions) to make anharmonic resonators that act as qubits.

Junctions are made by litography like classical CPUs. Such qubits are prepared by microwave pulses that correspond to rotations on the Bloch sphere.

Entanglement between qubits is generated by variable coupling (in the simplest case adjusting current through a Josephson junction changes its inductance and thus coupling). The Junctions are almost purely reactive so no loss is associated with them.

Readout is usually done by reflecting a microwave pulse from a coupled microwave resonator and then determining the phase of the reflected pulse (which depends on the state of the qubit).

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mode, architecture, beautŽ,
mode, architecture, beautŽ,
mode, architecture, beautŽ,